huangxing lin, weihong zeng, yihong zhuang, xinghao ding, yue huang and john paisley. learning rate dropout. in ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2022.
wu wang , xueyang fu , weihong zeng, liyan sun, ronghui zhan, yue huang , xinghao ding*. enhanced deep blind hyperspectral image fusion,ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems ( jcr 1)
xueyang fu, menglu wang, xiangyong cao, xinghao ding, zheng-jun zha. a model-driven deep unfolding method for jpeg artifacts removal, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems ( jcr 1)
x. fu, q. qi, z. zha*, x. ding(丁兴号), f. wu and j. paisley. successive graph convolutional network for image de-raining, international journal of computer vision, 2021: 1-21. ( ijcv, ccf a)
yunlong zhang, changxing jing, huangxing lin, chaoqi chen, yue huang*, xinghao ding, yang zou, hard class rectification for domain adaptation, knowledge-based systems , 2021(jcr2 区 ccf c)
l. shi, z. liang, y. wen, y. zhuang, y. huang*, x. ding. one-shot hrrp generation for radar target recognition, ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters pp(99):1-5, 2021. (jcr 2区)
h. lin, y. li, x. fu, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. huang, and j. paisley. rain o'er me: synthesizing real rain to derain with data distillation, ieee transactions on image processing, 29: 7668-7680, 2020. (tip, ccf a)
l. sun, z. fan, x. fu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, and j. paisley. a deep information sharing network for multi-contrast compressed sensing mri reconstruction, ieee transactions on image processing, 2019, 28(12): 6141-6153. (tip, ccf a)
x. fu, j. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. liao, and j. paisley. clearing the skies: a deep network architecture for single-image rain removal, ieee transactions on image processing, 2017, 26(6): 2944-2956. (tip, ccf a ,esi高引论文)
x. fu, y. liao, d. zeng, y. huang, x. zhang, and x. ding(丁兴号)*. a probabilistic method for image enhancement with simultaneous illumination and reflectance estimation, ieee transactions on image processing, 2015, 24(12): 4965-4977. (tip, ccf a )
y. huang, j. paisley, q. lin, x. ding(丁兴号)*, x. fu, and x. zhang. bayesian nonparametric dictionary learning for compressed sensing mri, ieee transactions on image processing, 2014, 23(12): 5007-5119. (tip, ccf a )
x. ding(丁兴号)*, lihan he and lawrence carin. bayesian robust principal component analysis, ieee trans. image processing (tip), 20(12): 3419-3430, 2011. (tip, ccf a, if6.79 )
x. fu, d. zeng, y. huang, y. liao, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. a fusion-based enhancing method for weakly illuminated images, signal processing, 2016, 129: 82-96. ( esi高被引,被该期刊评为2020年度最佳论文,一般每年仅1篇,具体链接如下)
x. fu, w. wang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, j. paisley. deep multi-scale detail networks for multi-band spectral image sharpening, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems,2020. (jcr1区)
x. fu, b. liang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. lightweight pyramid networks for image deraining, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 31(6): 1794-1807, 2020. (tnnls, jcr 1区,if11.68)
l. sun, w. ma, x. ding(丁兴号)* , y. huang, d. liang and j. paisley. a 3d spatially-weighted network for segmentation of brain tissue from mri, ieee transactions on medical imaging, 39(4): 898-909, 2020. (tmi, jcr 1区,if7.816)
y. huang, b. liang, w. xie, y. liao, z. kuang, y. zhuang, and x. ding(丁兴号)*. dual domain multi-task model for vehicle re-identification, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 10.1109/tits.2020.3027578. (jcr 1区, ccf b)
y. huang, z. liu, m. jiang, x. yu, x. ding(丁兴号)*. cost-effective vehicle type recognition in surveillance images with deep active learning and web data, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 21(1): 79-86, 2020. (jcr 1区, ccf b)
j. wang, h. zheng, y. huang*, x. ding(丁兴号)*. vehicle type recognition in surveillance images from labeled web-nature data using deep transfer learning. ieee trans. intelligent transportation systems, 2018, 19(9): 2913-2922(tits: jcr2区,if5.744)
y. huang, r. wu, y. sun, w. wang and x. ding(丁兴号)*. vehicle logo recognition system based on convolutional neural networks with a pre-training strategy, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems , vol. 16, no.4, pp. 1951 - 1960, 2015.(tits, jcr2区 )
x. ding(丁兴号), f. he, z. lin, y. wang, y. huang*. crowd density estimation using fusion of multi-layer features, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, 10.1109/tits.2020.2983475. (jcr 1区, ccf b)
x. ding(丁兴号), j. wang, c. dong, y. huang*. vehicle type recognition from surveillance data based on deep active learning, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 69(3): 2477-2486, 2020. (jcr 1区)
l. sun, j. wang, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, h. greenspan, and j. paisley. an adversarial learning approach to medical image synthesis for lesion detection, ieee journal of biomedical and health informatics, 8(24): 2303-2314, 2020. (jcr2区)
zhenqi fu, huangxing lin, yan yang, shu chai, liyan sun, yue huang and xinghao ding*. unsupervised underwater image restoration: from a homology perspective. in aaai, 2022.
huangxing lin, yihong zhuang, yue huang, xinghao ding*, xiaoqing liu and yizhou yu. noise2grad: extract image noise to denoise. in ijcai 2021 (ccf a).
x. fu, q. qi, y. zhu, x. ding(丁兴号), z. zha. rain streak removal via dual graph convolutional network. aaai conference on artificial intelligence (aaai, ccf a), 2021.
yiyi zhou, tianhe ren, chaoyang zhu, xiaoshuai sun, jianzhuang liu, xinghao ding, mingliang xu, rongrong ji. trar: routing the attention spans in transformers for visual question answering. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv2021,ccf a).
chaoqi chen, jiongcheng li, zebiao zhen, yue huang, xinghao ding, yizhou yu*. dual bipartite graph learning: a general approach for domain adaptive object detection. ieee international conference on computer vision (iccv2021,ccf a).
c. chen, z. zheng, y. huang*, x. ding(丁兴号), y. yu. i^3net: implicit instance-invariant network for adapting one-stage object detectors. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2021. (cvpr, ccf a)
yunlong zhang, chenxin li, xin lin, liyan sun, yihong zhuang, yue huang*, xinghao ding, xiaoqing liu, yizhou yu, generator versus segmentor: pseudo-healthy synthesis, miccai 2021
liyan sun, hongyu huang,xinghao ding*,yue huang, xiaoqing liu, yizhou yu, fast magnetic resonance imaging on regions of interest: from sensing to reconstruction,miccai 2021
y. zhou, r. ji, x. sun*, g. luo, x. hong, j. su, x. ding(丁兴号), and l. shao. k-armed bandit based multi-modal network srchitecture dearch for visual question answering. acm multimedia, 2020. (acm mm, ccf a)
c. chen, z. zheng, x. ding(丁兴号), y. huang*, q. dou. harmonizing transferability and discriminability for adapting object detectors. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (cvpr), 2020.(cvpr,ccf a)
x. fu, z. zha*, f. wu, x. ding(丁兴号) and j. paisley. jpeg artifacts reduction via deep convolutional sparse coding, ieee international conference on computer vision, 2019. (iccv, ccf a)
w. wang, w. zeng, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. deep blind hyperspectral image fusion, ieee international conference on computer vision, 2019. (iccv, ccf a)
c. zhang, b. liang,z. huang, m. en, j. han, e. ding, x. ding(丁兴号)*. look more than once: an accurate detector for text of arbitrary shapes. ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)
x. fu, z. lin,y. huang,x. ding(丁兴号)*. a variational pan-sharpening with local gradient constraints,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)
c. chen,w. xie,y. huang*,x. ding(丁兴号). progressive feature alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2019. (cvpr, ccf a)
z. fan, h. wu, x. fu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*. residual-guide network for single image deraining, acm multimedia, 2018 (acm mm,ccf a )
l. sun, z. fan, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. compressed sensing mri using a recursive dilated network, aaai conference on artificial intelligence, 2018.(aaai, ccf a)
z. fan, l. sun, x. ding(丁兴号)*, y. huang, c. cai and j. paisley. a segmentation-aware deep fusion network for compressed sensing mri, european conference on computer vision, 2018.(eccv, ccf b)
s. cai, j. huang, d. zeng*, x. ding(丁兴号) and j. paisley. menet: a metric expression network for salient object segmentation, international joint conference on artificial intelligence, 2018. (ijcai, ccf a)
j. yang, x. fu, y. hu, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, john paisley. pannet: a deep network architecture for pan-sharpening , ieee international conference on computer vision, 2017. (iccv, ccf a).
x. fu, j. huang, d. zeng, y. huang, x. ding(丁兴号)* and j. paisley. removing rain from single images via a deep detail network,ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition , 2017. (cvpr,ccf a).
x. fu, d. zeng, y. huang, x. zhang and x. ding(丁兴号)*. a weighted variational model for simultaneous reflectance and illumination estimation, ieee conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2016(cvpr, ccf a).
y. jiang, x. ding(丁兴号)*, d. zeng, y. huang and john paisley.pan-sharpening with a hyper-laplacian penalty, ieee international conference on computer vision,2015. (iccv,ccf a).