
周昌乐 福建省百千万人才、教授(返聘)、博士生导师

北京大学 博士(1990)

研究方向:仿脑智能系统 自然语言处理 艺术认知计算


电子邮件:dozero (at) xmu.edu.cn










中国人工智能学会理事、智能cad与数码艺术专业委员会副主任委员, 2005-

中国计算机学会人工智能与模式识别专委会委员, 2002-

中国计算机学会理论计算机科学专委会委员, 2006-

中国自动化学会机器人专业委员会委员, 2007-

福建省人工智能学会首任理事长, 2008-

厦门市科协副主席, 2008-

《心智与计算》国际网络学术期刊主编, 2008-

清华大学智能技术与系统国家重点实验室学术委员会委员, 2004-

浙江大学人文学院语言学与应用语言学兼职博士生导师, 2004-

上海中医药大学中医诊断学兼职博士生导师, 2003-

厦门大学哲学系兼职博士生导师, 2008-

苏州大学计算机学院兼职教授, 2006-

浙江大学宁波理工学院兼职教授, 2009-


针对涉身行为的自我意识机器人构建方法及其实现,国家自然科学基金项目,项目批准号:61273338,起止年月: 2013年1月至2016年12月,总经费:80万,主持;

脑机融合感知与认知的计算理论与方法,国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973项目),项目编号:2013cb329500,首席科学家浙江大学吴朝晖教授,参与其中课题二“脑机融合的认知计算模型”,项目编号:2013cb329502,起止年月: 2013年1月至2017年12月,项目总经费:3700万,课题二经费:592万,个人经费:88万。




*齐真,许家佗,周昌乐,2014.基于基因组学的中医“证”本质的研究概况,时珍国医国药,8: 1953-1955.


*张俊松,张悠苗,周昌乐,2014.书法临摹过程的交互式动画建模方法,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,26(6): 963-972.

张欣,周昌乐,江敏,*晁飞, 2014.受人类婴儿发育启发的机器人手眼协调方法,机器人, 36(2):185-193.

li r, qin r, *zhang j, wu j, zhou c, 2014. the aesthetic preference of chinese typefaces - an event-related potential study, brain research, doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2014.11.055.

gang yao, hualin zeng, fei chao, chang su, chih-min lin, changle zhou,integration of classifier diversity measures for feature selection- based classifier ensemble reduction, soft computing, november 2015, impact factor= 1.27.

hua peng,changle zhou(通讯作者),huosheng hu, fei chao, jing li,robotic dance in social robotics-a taxonomy,ieee transactions on human-machine systems,vol. 45,no.3, 281-293, jun 2015.impact factor=1.892

fei chao, zhengshuai wang, changjing shang, qinggang meng, min jiang, changle zhou, qiang shen, a developmental approach to robotic pointing via human-robot interaction, information sciences,vol.283,pp.288-303,nov 1 2014, impact factor=3.643

li, wei; song, yuping; zhou, changle; computationally evaluating and synthesizing chinese calligraphy, neurocomputing,vol.135,pp.299-305, jul 5 2014, impact factor=1.634.

song, zhijun; yu, jun; zhou, changle; tao, dapeng; xie, yi,skeleton correspondence construction and its applications in animation style reusing, neurocomputing, v 120, p 461-468, november 23, 2013,impact factor=1.634.

wang, didi; chang, pei-chann; zhang, li; wu, jheng-long; zhou, changle ,the stability analysis for a novel feedback neural network with partial connection,neurocomputing, v 116, p 22-29, september 20, 2013,impact factor=1.634

song, zhijun; yu, jun; zhou, changle; wang, meng, automatic cartoon matching in computer-assisted animation production,neurocomputing, v 120, p 397-403, november 23, 2013,impact factor=1.634.

zhenhua cai,ben goertzel,changle zhou(通讯作者),deheng huang,shujing ke,gino yu,min jiang,openpsi: a novel computational affective model and its application in video games,engineering applications of artificial intelligence,volume 26, issue 1, pages 1-12,janu

cai, zhenhua ,goertzel, ben, zhou, changle(通讯作者), zhang, yongfeng, jiang, min, yu, gino, dynamics of a computational affective model inspired by dorner's psi theory, cognitive systems research, vol.17-18,pp.63-80, jul-aug 2012,impact factor=1.173.

chang pei-chann; wang di-di; zhou chang-le, a novel model by evolving partially connected neural network for stock price trend forecasting,expert systems with applications,vol. 39, no. 1, 611-620, jan 2012, impact factor=2.203

leung stephen c. h.; zhang defu; zhou changle; etc. ,a hybrid simulated annealing metaheuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional knapsack packing problem, computers & operations research, vol. 39,no. 1, 64-73,jan 2012,impact factor=1.720

yanping lu, shengrui wang, shaozi li and changle zhou,particle swarm optimizer for variable weighting in clustering high-dimensional data,machine learning 82(1): 43-70,2011, impact factor=1.956

bing chen, ting xu, changle zhou, et al., individual variability and test-retest reliability revealed by ten repeated resting-state brain scans over one month, plos one,vol.10, no.12, dec 29 2015,impact factor=3.702

rui li, ruilin qin, junsong zhang, junjie wu, changle zhou, the esthetic preference of chinese typefaces - an event-related potential study,brain research,vol.1598,pp 57-65,feb 19 2015,impact factor=2.728.

wu, j.; zhang, j.; ding, x.; li, r.;zhou,c.(通讯作者); the effects of music on brain functional networks: a network analysis, neuroscience, vol.250,pp. 49-59, oct 10 2013, impact factor=3.327

huang, zhihua; li, minghong; yang, shangchuan; zhou, changle,a novel single-trial event-related potential estimation method based on compressed sensing, neuroscience bulletin,vol.29,no.6 ,pp.788-797,dec 2013 ,impact factor=1.365.

wu, junjie, zhang, junsong, liu, chu, liu, dongwei, ding, xiaojun, zhou, changle(通讯作者), graph theoretical analysis of eeg functional connectivity during music perception, brain research, vol. 1483,pp. 71-81, nov 5 2012,2012,impact factor=2.728.

huang zhihua,li minghong, zhou changle(通讯作者),ma yuanye,a classification-based method to estimate event-related potentials from single trial eeg,science china life sciences,vol.55.no.1,57-67,jan.2012,impact factor=2.024
