ph.d. 华中科技大学 计算机系统结构 2010.06
b.s. 东北大学 计算机科学与技术 2005.07
chunfeng du, suzhen wu, jiapeng wu, bo mao, and shengzhe wang. esd: an ecc-assisted and selective deduplication for non-volatile main memory. in proceedings of the 29th ieee international symposium on high-performance computer architecture (hpca’23). montreal, qc, canada. february 25–march 01, 2023.
suzhen wu, chunfeng du, weidong zhu, hong jiang, bo mao, and lingfang zeng. ead: ecc-assisted deduplication with high performance and low memory overhead for ultra-low latency flash storage. ieee transactions on computers. 72(1): 208-221, january 2023.
qiang zou and bo mao. revisiting temporal storage i/o behaviors of smartphone applications: analysis and synthesis. in proceedings of the 2022 ieee international symposium on workload characterization (iiswc’22), austin, texas, usa, november 6-8, 2022.
suzhen wu, chunfeng du, weiwei zhang, bo mao, and hong jiang. deduphr: exploiting content locality to alleviate read/write interference in deduplication-based flash storage. ieee transactions on computers. 71(6): 1332-1343. june 2022.
suzhen wu, jiapeng wu, zhirong shen, zhihao zhang, zuocheng wang and bo mao. simiencode: a similarity-based encoding scheme to improve performance and lifetime of non-volatile main memory. in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on computer design (iccd’21). pages. 220-227. virtual conference, usa, october 24-27, 2021.
suzhen wu, zhanhong tu, zuocheng wang, zhirong shen, bo mao. when delta sync meets message-locked encryption: a feature-based delta sync scheme for encrypted cloud storage. in proceedings of the 41st ieee international conference on distributed computing systems (icdcs’21). pages. 337-347. virtual conference, july 7-10, 2021.
suzhen wu, chunfeng du, haijun li, hong jiang, zhirong shen, and bo mao. cagc: a content-aware garbage collection scheme for ultra-low latency flash-based ssds. in proceedings of the 35th ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps’21). pages. 162-171. virtual conference, may 17-21, 2021.
suzhen wu, weidong zhu, yingxin han, hong jiang, bo mao, zhijie huang, and liang chen. gc-steering: gc-aware request steering and parallel reconstruction optimizations for ssd-based raids. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 39(12): 4587-4600, december 2020.
suzhen wu, jindong zhou, weidong zhu, hong jiang, zhijie huang, zhirong shen, and bo mao. ead: a collision-free and high performance ecc assisted deduplication scheme for flash storage. in proceedings of the 38th ieee international conference on computer design (iccd’20). pages. 155-162. virtual conference, usa, october 18-21, 2020.
armin haj aboutalebi, ethan c. ahn, bo mao, suzhen wu, and lide duan. mitigating and tolerating read disturbance in stt-mram-based main memory via device and architecture innovations. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 38(12): 2229-2242, december 2019.
suzhen wu, bo mao, hong jiang, huagao luan, and jindong zhou. pfp: improving the reliability of deduplication-based storage systems with per-file parity. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 30(9): 2117-2129, september 2019.
suzhen wu, longquan liu, hong jiang, hao che, and bo mao. pandasync: network and workload aware hybrid cloud sync optimization. in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on distributed computing systems (icdcs’19). pages. 282-292. dallas, texas, usa, july 7-10, 2019.
bo mao, jindong zhou, suzhen wu, hong jiang, xiao chen, and weijian yang. improving flash memory performance and reliability for smartphones with i/o deduplication. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 38(6): 1017-1027, june 2019.
suzhen wu, haijun li, bo mao, and kuan-ching li. overcome the gc-induced performance variability in ssd-based raids with request redirection. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 38(5): 822-833, may 2019.
suzhen wu, weiwei zhang, bo mao, and hong jiang. hotr: alleviating read/write interference with hot read data replication for flash storage. in proceedings of the 22nd design automation and test in europe (date’19). pages. 1367-1372. florence, italy, march 25-29, 2019.(best paper award nominations)
suzhen wu, huagao luan, bo mao, hong jiang, gen niu, hui rao, fang yu and jindong zhou. improving reliability of deduplication-based storage systems with per-file parity. in proceedings of the 37th ieee international symposium on reliable distributed systems (srds'18). pages. 171-180. salvador, bahia, brazil, october 02-05, 2018.
yaodong yang, bo mao, hong jiang, hao luo, yuekun yang, suzhen wu. snapmig: accelerating vm live storage migration by leveraging the existing vm snapshots in the cloud. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 29(6): 1416-1427, june 2018.
bo mao, suzhen wu, hong jiang, yaodong yang, and zaifa xi. edc: improving the performance and space efficiency of flash-based storage systems with elastic data compression. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 29(6): 1261-1274, june 2018.
suzhen wu, weidong zhu, guixin liu, hong jiang, and bo mao. gc-aware request steering with improved performance and reliability for ssd-based raids. in proceedings of the 32nd ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps’18). pages. 296-305. vancouver, british columbia canada, may 21-25, 2018.
bo mao, suzhen wu, and lide duan. improving the ssd performance by exploiting request characteristics and internal parallelism. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 37(2): 472-484, february 2018.
suzhen wu, bo mao, yanping lin, and hong jiang. improving performance for flash-based storage systems through gc-aware cache management. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 28(10): 2852-2865, october 2017.
bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, yaodong yang, and zaifa xi. elastic data compression with improved performance and space efficiency for flash-based storage systems. in proceedings of the 31st ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps’17). pages. 1109-1118. orlando, florida, usa, may 29-june 2, 2017.
jiayang guo, yiming hu, bo mao, and suzhen wu. parallelism and garbage collection aware i/o scheduler with improved ssd performance. in proceedings of the 31st ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps’17). pages. 1184-1193. orlando, florida, usa, may 29-june 2, 2017.
bo mao, suzhen wu, hong jiang, xiao chen, and weijian yang. content-aware trace collection and i/o deduplication for smartphones. in proceedings of the 33rd international conference on massive storage systems and technology (msst’17), santa clara, ca, usa, may 15-19, 2017.
bo mao, suzhen wu, and hong jiang. exploiting workload characteristics and service diversity to improve the availability of cloud storage systems. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 27(7): 2010-2021, july 2016.
suzhen wu, yanping lin, bo mao, and hong jiang. gcar: garbage collection aware cache management with improved performance for flash-based ssds. in proceedings of the 30th international conference on supercomputing (ics’16), istanbul, turkey, jun. 1-3, 2016.
bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, and lei tian. leveraging data deduplication to improve the performance of primary storage systems in the cloud. ieee transactions on computers. 65(6): 1775-1788, june 2016.
suzhen wu, bo mao, xiaolan chen, and hong jiang. ldm: log disk mirroring with improved performance and reliability for ssd-based disk arrays. acm transactions on storage. 12(4): article 22(21 pages), may 2016.