
程恩 教授、博士生导师、水声部重实验室常务副主任

厦门大学 博士(2006)

研究方向:水声通信 信号处理 嵌入式系统











2011:博士生:林喜洲,江霞宁;硕士生:岑哲段,乐 峥,洪俊峰

2010:博士生:陈柯宇,彭 超;硕士生:贾方坤,巫驷龙,许晓娜,刘博,刘倩

2009:博士生:林 文,伊锦旺;硕士生:冷志娟,何天玲,陈联文,周敏


中国电子学会高级会员, 2002-

中国仪器仪表学会微型计算机应用学会理事, 2004-




gao c, yang h, *yuan f, cheng e, 2014. underwater acoustic communication system based on mc-mfsk, applied mechanics and materials, 556-562: 4897-4900 (ei).

yi j, su w, yuan f, zhang l, *cheng e, 2014. a novel adaptive real-time tracking scheme for underwater networks, journal of information and computational science, 11(10): 3263-3270 (ei).

yi j, yuan f, su w, zhang l, lin x, *cheng e, 2014. cooperative-adaptive real-time tracking for moving targets in underwater networks, journal of computationalinformation systems, 10(11): 4729-4736 (ei).

huang m, sun h, *qi j, kuai x, gu y, 2014. underwater acoustic cooperative

cheng e, lin x, *yuan f, 2014. multiuser underwater acoustic communication based on multicarrier-multiple chirp rate shift keying, oceans 2014 - taipei, 11(20) (ei).

chen w, *yuan f, cheng en, 2014. underwater acoustic image quality evaluating system based on semi-fragile watermark, wit transactions on information and communication technologies, 2014(51): 1337-1343 (ei).

cheng e, ke f, *yuan f, 2014. oceanic experiment platform for underwater acoustic communications, oceans 2014 - taipei, 11(20) (ei).

*sun h, xu x, ma l, kuai x, cheng e, chen y, 2014. carrier frequency offset and impulse noise estimation for underwater acoustic orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, shengxue xuebao/acta acustica, 39(4): 435-440 (ei).

kuai x, *sun h, qi j, cheng e, xu x, guo y, chen y, 2014. csi feedback-based cs for underwater acoustic adaptive modulation ofdm system with channel prediction, china ocean engineering, 28(3): 391-400 (sci/ei).

chen k, ma m, *cheng e, yuan f, su w, 2014. a survey on mac protocols for underwater wireless sensor networks, ieee communications surveys and tutorials, 16(3): 1433-1447 (ieee:sci/ei).

袁飞, 李维香, 汪佳乐, *程恩, 2014. 基于海水吸收的违规抛泥检测, 江苏大学学报(自然科学版), 35(6): 674-678.

袁飞, 韦倩, 林晓阳, *程恩, 2014. 双曲调频信号的啁啾率键控水声通信, 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 15(5): 422 – 427.

陈士广, 陈华宾, 程恩, *袁飞, 2014. 水声换能器功放与匹配电路的设计与实现, 传感技术学报, 27(8): 1065-1069.

卜文强, 洪俊峰, 张榕鑫, *袁飞, 程恩, 2014. 基于fpga的水声信号通信系统. 合肥工业大学学报, 37(3): 301-305.

刘倩, 王良元, 程恩, 袁飞, 2013. 基于图像处理的水厂加矾量自动决策系统[j]. 合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版), 6: 671-673 726.

许晓娜, 程恩, 林文, 2013. 水声网络mac层随机接入协议和握手协议研究[j]. 计算机与现代化, 2: 181-184.

cheng e, zhang r, *yuan f, 2013. automatic detection and assessment system of water turbidity based on image processing, telkomnika indonesian journal of electrical engineering, 11(3): 1506-1513.

yuan f, wang w, *cheng e, 2013. characteristics analysis of hfm signal over underwater acoustic channels, telkomnika indonesian journal of electrical engineering, 11(3): 1173-1180.

*mei h, sun h, cheng e, kuai x, xu x, 2013. joint interference mitigation with channel estimated in underwater acoustic system, telkomnika indonesian journal of electrical engineering, 11(12): 7423-7430.

*chen h, chen w, li y, cheng e, yuan f, 2013. joint source-channel coding for underwater image transmission, sensors and transducers, 152(5): 122-128.

*gao c, zhang y, cheng e, yuan f, 2013. investigation of snr estimation algorithms of fm signal for the underwater acoustic channel, journal of computers (finland), 8(8): 2042-2050.

*yuan f, zhang j, cheng e, 2013. quality evaluation method for underwater image communication, journal of computers (finland), 8(9): 2313-2321.

*yuan f, zhang y, gao c, su w, cheng e, 2013. snr estimation of lfm signal for the underwater acoustic channel based on improved m2m4, journal of computational information systems, 9(11): 4379-4385.

*yuan f, ye z, lin c, cheng e, 2013. image quality assessment method for underwater acoustic communication based on digital watermarking, international journal on smart sensing and intelligent systems, 6(2): 752-771.

*ye z, yuan f, cheng e, lin c, 2013. image quality assessment method for underwater acoustic communication based on digital watermarking, advanced materials research, v765-767: 562-566.

cheng e, zhang r, *yuan f, 2013. automatic detection and assessment system of water turbidity based on image processing, telkomnika indonesian journal of electrical engineering, 11(3): 1506-1513.

cheng e, chen s, li y, ke f, *yuan f, 2013. agc design in frequency modulation system for voice communication via underwater acoustic channel, sensors and transducers, 152(5): 116-121.

lin w, *cheng e, yuan f, 2013. ehm: a novel efficient protocol based handshaking mechanism for underwater acoustic sensor networks,wireless networks, 19(6): 1051-1061.
