publicity chair:ieee cmc’11, ieee cmc’10
tpc:ieee icc’11, ieee globecom’11, etc.
reviewer:ieee transaction on signal processing, ieee transaction on wireless communications, ieee communication letters, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, iet microwaves, antennas & propagation, iet communications, wireless communications & mob
基于协同的频谱认知蜂窝网络的系统容量研究 青年科学基金项目 2013.1-2015.12
hong x, wang j, *wang c, shi j, 2014. cognitive radio in 5g: a perspective on energy-spectral efficiency trade-off, ieee communications magazine, 52(7): 46-53 (elsevier : sci).
x. ge, k. huang, c.-x. wang, x. hong, and x. yang, “capacity analysis of a multi-cell multi-antenna cooperative cellular network with co-channel interference,” ieee transaction on wireless commun., accepted for publication.
xiong j, *hong x, yu j, xue k, tao w, chen t, lin m, 2013. power-bandwidth trade-off in large scale mimo cellular networks, icic express letters, 7(10): 2843-2848.
lin m, *hong x, xiong j, xue k, shi j, 2013. capacity analysis of centralized cognitive radio networks for best-effort traffics, ksii transactions on internet and information systems, 7(9): 2154-2172.
*hong x, yu j, wang c, 2013. energy-spectral efficiency trade-off in virtual mimo cellular systems, ieee journal on selected areas in communications, 31(10): 2128-2140.
c.-x. wang, x. hong, h. wu, and w. xu, “spatial temporal correlation properties of the 3gpp spatial channel model and the kronecker mimo channel model”, eurasip journal on wireless communication and networking, special issue on space-time channel mode
wang j, lin m, *hong x, shi j, 2014. qos guaranteed capacity of centralized cognitive radio networks with interference averaging techniques, ksii trans. internet and information systems, 8(1): 18-34(elsevier : sci).
z. chen, c.-x. wang, x. hong, j. s. thompson, s. a. vorobyov, x. ge, h. xiao, and f. zhao, “aggregate interference modeling in cognitive radio networks with power and contention control,” ieee transaction on communications, accepted for publication.