
【海韵讲座】2018年第37期-40期—ieee院士alejandro frangi博士系列讲座
发布时间:2018-07-17 点击:次




讲座题目:image-based cerebrovascular modeling for advanced diagnosis and interventional planning

讲座简介:current technological progress in multidimensional and multimodal acquisition of biomedical data enables detailed investigation of the individual health status that should underpin improved patient diagnosis and treatment outcome. however, the abundance of biomedical information has not always been translated directly in improved healthcare. it rather increases the current information deluge and desperately calls for more holistic ways to analyse and assimilate patient data effectively. the virtual physiological human aims at developing the framework and tools that ultimately enable such integrated investigation of the human body and rendering methods for personalized and predictive medicine. this lecture will focus on and illustrate two specific aspects: a) how the integration of biomedical imaging and sensing, signal and image computing and computational physiology are essential components in addressing this personalized, predictive and integrative healthcare challenge, and b) how such principles could be put at work to address specific clinical questions in the cardiovascular domain. finally, this lecture will also underline the important role of model validation as a key to translational success and how such validations span from technical validation of specific modeling components to clinical assessment of the effectiveness of the proposed tools. to conclude, the talk will outline some areas where current research efforts fall short in the vph domain and that will possibly receive further investigation in the upcoming years.




讲座题目:computational imaging phenomics and in silico clinical trials: vision and progress so far

讲座摘要:these are exciting times for medicine and engineering. big data meets in silico medicine. phenomenological and mechanistic models converge in new ways. new approaches and tools to disease understanding promise to improve healthcare dramatically in the years to come. this talk overviews our vision and progress towards two exciting avenues of in silico medicine in cardiovascular science, namely, computational imaging phenomics and in silico clinical trials. first, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in scaling up image analytics and image-based modelling at population scale to undertake deep in vivo and in silico phenotyping. computational imaging phenomics harnesses image phenotypes and links it to multiple omics (imaging phenomics). we illustrate these concepts with our recent work on cardiac mr analytics on population imaging coming from the uk biobank and work on cardiac imaging genetics by other groups. second, we discuss challenges and opportunities in in silico clinical trials introducing modelling and simulation with increase explanatory and predictive capabilities. these concepts are illustrated with past/recent work in virtual endovascular embolisation of cerebral aneurysms. finally, we introduce multi-x () and some of its underlying architectural design concepts and abstractions. multi-x is a cloud-based software platform streamlining and distributing computational analytics and simulation workflows scaling up and addressing the massive computational problems arising from the previous exemplars.




讲座题目:computational imaging of bone disease

讲座摘要:this talk provide an overview on research we are carrying out at the centre for computational imaging & simulation technologies in biomedicine (cistib) in musculoskeletal image analysis. our research emphasis lies in developing advanced methods at the interface between imaging and modelling. we develop new image-based modelling and new model-based imaging and image analysis methods. in addition, we are interested in addressing the challenge of large-scale image analytics to extract imaging biomarkers from population imaging resources like the uk biobank or contribute to in silico clinical trials of medical devices in virtual populations of patient-specific models. the talk will provide both an overview of our vision and some of the specific projects and steps we are taking in this arena.




讲座题目:statistical shape modelling in medical image analysis

讲座摘要:statistical shape models are one technology that have revolutionized computer vision and medical image analysis in the 1990s and 2000s and continues to exert its influence. ssms allow computers to learn generative models that can explain the mean shape and shape variations of an object or organ of interest. this tutorial will introduce this approach, present the underlying theory and algorithms, and show extensions and applications for medical image analysis.

讲座人简介:alejandro frangi博士,英国谢菲尔德大学电子电气工程系教授,担任谢菲尔德大学计算成像与仿真技术研究中心主任。研究方向为:医学图像分析、医疗大数据与深度学习、计算机辅助外科以及模式识别。frangi教授是ieee fellow,目前担任miccai-elsevier book series书籍编委会的主席(2017-2020),国际顶级期刊ieee trans on medical imaging, medical image analysis, siam journal imaging sciences, computer vision and image understanding 的的副主编。

he is the principal investigator or scientific coordinator of over 25 national and european projects, both funded by public and private bodies. prof frangi has edited several books, published 7 editorial articles and over 200 journal papers in key international journals of his research field and more than over 230 book chapters and international conference papers with an h-index 53 and ca. 19,200 citations ccording to google-scholar. he has been three times guest editor of special issues of ieee trans med imaging, one on ieee trans biomed eng, and one of medical image analysis journal. he was chair of the 3rd international conference on functional imaging and modelling of the heart (fimh05) held in barcelona in june 2005, publications chair of the ieee international symposium in biomedical imaging (isbi 2006), programme committee member of various editions of the intl conf on medical image computing and computer assisted interventions (miccai) (brisbane, au, 2007; beijing cn, 2010; toronto ca 2011; nice fr 2012; nagoya jp 2013), international liaison of isbi 2009, tutorials co-chair of miccai 2010, and program co-chair of miccai 2015. he was also gen-eral chair for isbi 2012 held in barcelona. he is the general chair of miccai 2018 to be held in granada, spain.

prof frangi was foreign member of the review college of the engineering and physical sciences research council (epsrc, 2006-10) in uk, received the ieee engineering in medicine and biology early career award in 2006, the ict knowledge transfer prize (2008) and two teaching excellence prizes (2008, 2010) by the social council of the universitat pompeu fabra. he also was awarded the upf medal (2011) for his service as dean of the escuela politècnica superior. he was awarded the icrea-academia prize by the institució catalana de recerca i estudis avançats (icrea) in 2008. prof frangi is an ieee fellow (2014), eambes fellow (2015), spie member, siam member, miccai member, and elected member to the board of directors of the medical image computing and computer assisted interventions (miccai) society (2014-2018). prof frangi serves in the scientific advisory board of the european institute for biomedical imaging research (eibir) and as chair of the fellows committee of the ieee embs (2017).

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