
俞容山 厦门市“双百计划”、闽江学者特聘教授;博士生导师

新加坡国立大学(national university of singapore)博士(2005)

研究方向:医学人工智能 生物信息






英国工程技术学会会士(iet fellow)

美国电气和电子工程师协会高级会员(ieee senior member)

ieee 物联网期刊执行委员会委员 (ieee iot steering committee), 2017-2019

ieee信号处理学会物联网技术委员会主席(internet of things special interest group), 2015-2018

ieee电路和系统学会多媒体系统和应用技术委员会委员 (multimedia system and application technical committee),2015-今

apsipa语音语言和音频技术委员会委员(apsipa speech, language and audio technical committee),2015-今

ieee/acm 汇刊副主编(associate editor, ieee/acm transactions on audio, speech and language processing), 2012 - 2014

ieee access 副主编 (associate editor),2013 – 今

apsipa智能电网信号和信息处理专刊客座编辑(apsipa transactions on signal and information processing,special issue on signal and information processing techniques for the smart grid), 2013

mpeg 国际标准主编(iso/iec 14496-3/amd.5, iso/iec 14496-5:2001/amd.10)

2016 ieee world forum on internet of things (wf-iot) 程序委员会主席 (tpc co-chair)

2014 ieee world forum on internet of things (wf-iot) 公共关系主席 (publicity chair)

2012 acm workshop on siggraph asia 程序委员会主席 (tpc co-chair)

程序委员会分区主席(area/track chair), ieee international conference on multimedia and expo (icme), 2013, 2015, ieee conference on industrial electronics and applications 2012, 2013, interspeech 2014

特别分区主席 (special session chair), ieee workshop on information forensics and security at globalsip, 2014, ieee international conference on multimedia and expo (icme) 2007

程序委员会成员(tpc member): mmm (2007,2008), apsipa asc (2012,2013), waspaa 2012, smartgridcomm 2013, icassp (2012, 2016), icme (2013,2016), iscslp (2014), iscas 2016


r. yu and w. yang, “scaleqc: a scalable lossy to lossless solution for ngs data compression,” bioinformatics, 2020
m. gao, m. ling, x. tang, s. wang, x. xiao, y. qiao, w. yang, r. yu, “comparison of high-throughput single-cell rna sequencing data processing pipelines,” brief in bioinformatics, 2020
l. wang, y. jiao, y. qiao, n. zeng, r. yu, “a novel approach combined transfer learning and deep learning to predict tmb from histology image,” pattern recognition letters, 2020
y lin, h li, x xiao, w yang, r yu, “daism-dnn: highly accurate cell type proportion estimation with in silico data augmentation and deep neural networks,” biorxiv, 2020
w. yang, l. huang, c. shi, l. wang, r. yu, “ultrastrain: an ngs-based ultra sensitive strain typing method for salmonella enterica,” frontiers in genetics, 2019
s. wang, w, yang, x. zhang, r. yu, “performance evaluation of imp: a rapid secondary analysis pipeline for ngs data,” ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm) 2018
w. yang, y. lin, s. wu, r. yu, “improving coding efficiency of mpeg-g standard using context-based arithmetic coding,” ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm) 2018
j. hu, c. si, m. lind, r. yu, “preventing distribution grid congestion by integrating indirect control in a hierarchical electric vehicles’ management system,” ieee transactions on transportation electrification, vol 2, no. 3, 2016
h. shu, r. yu, w. jiang and w. yang, "efficient implementation of $k$-nearest neighbor classifier using vote count circuit," ieee transactions on circuit and system ii, vol. 61, no. 6, june 2014.
r. yu, h. shu and w. jiang, "low complexity packet scheduling algorithms for streaming scalable media based on time utility function," ieee transactions on multimedia, vol. 16 , no. 8, pp. 2270 - 2280, sep 2014.
h. shu, w. yang, c. c. chai and r. yu, "demand response based on voluntary time dependent pricing scheme," apsipa transactions on signal and information processing, volume 3, 2014
r. yu, y. song and m. nambiar, "system identification using prominent subspace lms," digital signal processing 27, 44-56, 2014
w. yang, r. yu, m. nambiar, "quantifying the benefits to consumers for demand response with a statistical elasticity model", iet generation, transmission & distribution, volume 8, issue 3, p. 503 – 515, march 2014.
h. shu, r. yu and h. huang, "'optimal normalization of prediction residual for predictive coding with random access," iet signal processing 09/2014 8(7):710-719
h. huang, h. shu and r. yu, "lossless audio compression in the new ieee standard for advanced audio coding," icassp 2014.
w. jiang, r. yu, "high-performance, very low power content-based search engine," ieee international conference of multimedia and expo (icme) 2013
r. yu, "speech enhancement based on soft audible noise masking and noise power estimation", speech communication, 55 (2013), pp. 964-974, 2013.
r. yu, w. yang, and s. rahardja, “a statistical demand-price model with its application in optimal real-time price of electricity,” ieee transactions on smart grid, vol. 3, no. 4, dec 2012


1. r. yu, x. lin and s. rahardja, “context-based encoding and decoding of signals,” us 7,656,319.

2. z li, f. pan, d. wu, r. yu, g. feng, d. wang, “method and an apparatus for controlling the rate of a video sequences; a video encoding device,” us 7,876,821

3. r. yu, r. radhakrishnan, r. l. andersen, g. a. davidson, “multimode coding of speech-like and non-speech-like signals,” ep 2,269,188.

4. r. yu, s. rahardja, x. lin, “a method and device for processing bit symbols generated by a data source; a computer readable medium; a computer program element,” ep 1,573,922.

5. r. yu, “method and system for frequency domain postfiltering of encoded audio data in a decoder,” ep 2,347,412.

6. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, “systems and methods for scalably encoding and decoding data,” us 7,994,946.

7. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, “method for encoding a digital signal into a scalable bitstream; method for decoding a scalable bitstream,” ep 1,939,853.

8. r yu, s rahardja, x lin, “method and a device for processing bit symbols generated by a data source; a computer readable medium; a computer program element,” us 7,532,763.

9. r. yu, “multi-microphone voice activity detector,” ep 2,297,727

10. m. fellers, g. a. davidson, r. yu, e. m. benjamin, k. gundry, “method for adaptive control and equalization of electroacoustic channels,” ep 2,311,271.

11. r. yu, p. brown, “speech enhancement with voice clarity,” ep 2,191,466.

12. r.yu, “noise variance estimator for speech enhancement,” ep 2,137,728.

13. r. yu, “speech enhancement with noise level estimation adjustment,” ep 2,191,465.

14. h. huang, w.b. choo, r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, d. huang, “encoder, decoder, method for encoding/decoding, computer readable media and computer program elements,” ep 1,847,022.


1. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, and h. huang, "reduce complexity for mpeg-4 audio scalable lossless (sls) coding", iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11(mpeg), m11062, seattle, usa, july. 2004. (adopted core experiment proposal for mpeg-4 scalable to lossless coding)

2. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, and h. huang, “proposed core experiment for improving coding efficiency of mpeg-4 audio scalable coding (sls)”, iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m10683, munich, march, 2004. (adopted core experiment proposal for mpeg-4 scalable to lossless coding)

3. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, and h. huang, “proposal of bit-stream syntax revision for mpeg-4 audio scalable lossless coding,” iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m10361, hawaii, dec., 2003.

4. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, and h. huang, “proposed core experiment for improving coding efficiency in mpeg-4 audio scalable coding (sls)”, iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m10136, brisbane, oct., 2003. (adopted core experiment proposal for mpeg-4 scalable to lossless coding)

5. r. yu, x. lin, s. rahardja, and h. huang, “technical description of i2r’s proposal for mpeg-4 scalable lossless coding (sls): advanced audio zip (aaz),” iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m10135, brisbane, oct., 2003. (technology adopted as rm0 of iso/iec 14496-3:2001/amd.5)

6. r. yu, x. lin, and s. rahardja, “improvements for proposed lossless audio codec”, iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m9600, pattaya, march, 2003.

7. r. yu, x. lin, and s. rahardja, “advanced audio zip – a scalable perceptual and lossless audio codec”, iso/iec jtc 1/sc 29/wg 11 (mpeg), m9134, awaji, dec., 2002. (response to mpeg call for proposal on lossless audio coding)
