ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, associate editor, 期刊编委
ieee geoscience and remote sensing letters, associate editor, 期刊编委
ieee tgrs, isprs jprs, ieee tits, cvpr, aaai, iccv, eccv, acm mm, ijcai, etc., 审稿人
1. h. wu, c. wen*, s. shi, et al., virtual sparse convolution for multimodal 3d object detection, cvpr, 2023. (ccf a)
2. y. dai, y. lin, x. lin, c. wen*, et al., sloper4d: a scene-aware dataset for global 4d human pose estimation in urban environments, cvpr, 2023. (ccf a)
3. h. wu, c. wen*, w. li, et al., transformation-equivariant 3d object detection for autonomous driving, aaai, 2023. (ccf a)
4. q. li, c. wang, c. wen*, et al., deepsir: deep semantic iterative registration for lidar point clouds, pattern recognition, 2023. (ccf b)
5. y. dai, y. lin, c. wen*, s. shen, et al., hsc4d: human-centered 4d scene capture in large-scale indoor-outdoor space using wearable imus and lidar, cvpr, 2022. (ccf a)
6. s. yu, c. wang, c. wen*, et al., lidar-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression, pattern recognition, 2022. (ccf b)
7. h. wu, j. deng, c. wen*, et al., casa: a cascade attention network for 3d object detection from lidar point clouds, ieee trans. on geoscience and remote sensing, 2022. (ccf b)
8. h. wu, q. li, c. wen*, et al., tracklet proposal network for multi-object tracking on point clouds, ijcai, 2021. (ccf a)
9. h. wu, w. han, c. wen*, 3d multi-object tracking in point clouds based on prediction confidence-guided data association, ieee trans. on intelligent transportation systems, 2021. (ccf b)
10. w. han, c. wen*, c. wang, et al., point2node: correlation learning of dynamic-node for point cloud feature modeling, aaai, oral presentation, 2020. (ccf a)