2016级 研究生:肖乐,张宁
2017级 研究生:赵淼,颜世江
2018级 研究生:夏仕鹏,江涛,陆昊
“基于gsv-svm 和迁移学习的跨信道多说话人识别研究”,深圳市科技计划项目,2011.02-2014.03。
qingyang hong, lin li, jun zhang, lihong wan, huiyang guo, “transfer learning for plda-based speaker verification”, speech communication, 92:90-99, 2017.
qingyang hong, lin li, jun zhang, lihong wan, feng tong, “transfer learning for speaker verification on short utterances”, interspeech 2016.
qingyanghong, jun zhang, lin li, lihong wan, feng tong, “a transfer learning method for plda-based speaker verification”, icassp 2016.
李琳,万丽虹,洪青阳,张君,李明,基于概率修正 plda的说话人识别技术,第十三届全国人机语音通讯学术会议(ncmmsc2015),2015年10月,中国,天津.
李琳,万丽虹,洪青阳,张君,李明. 基于概率修正plda的说话人识别系统. 天津大学学报(自然科学版),2015.8,pp.692-696.
qingyang hong, lin li, ming li, ling huang, lihong wan and jun zhang, "modified-prior plda and score calibration for duration mismatch compensation in speaker recognition system", interspeech 2015.
hong, qingyang; wang, sheng; liu, zhijian. a robust speaker-adaptive and text-prompted speaker verification system, lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics),, v
李芳兰,周跃海,童峰,洪青阳. 采用可调波束形成器的gsc麦克风阵列语音增强方法. 厦门大学学报,2013.3,52(2),pp.186-189.
周跃海,童峰,洪青阳. 采用dtw算法和语音增强的嵌入式声纹识别系统. 厦门大学学报,2012.3,51(2),pp.174-178.
qingyang hong, lin li, ming li, ling huang, lihong wan and jun zhang, "modified-prior plda and score calibration for duration mismatch compensation in speaker recognition system", interspeech 2015.
weicheng cai, ming li, lin li and qingyang hong,"duration dependent covariance regularization in plda modeling for speaker verification", interspeech 2015.
qingyang hong, sheng wang, and zhijian liu, a robust speaker-adaptive and text-prompted speaker verification system, p385-393, the 9th chinese conference on biometric recognition (ccbr 2014), nov. 7-9, shenyang, china.
wanli chen, qingyang hong, ximin li, gmm-ubm for text-dependent speaker recognition, 2012 third ieee/iet international conference on audio, language and image processing (icalip2012), july 16-18, 2012, shanghai, china.
wang zhifei, hong qingyang, huang xiaodan, the construction and application of a speech database for voiceprint recognition. the 15th oriental cocosda conference, december 9-12, 2012 , macau, china.
jiang min, yu yang, liu xiaoli, zhang fan, hong qingyang, fuzzy neural network based dynamic path planning, v 1, p 326-330, 2012, proceedings of 2012 international conference on machine learning and cybernetics, icmlc 2012.
文本提示型声纹门禁系统(专利号:zl 2013 1 0294975.5)(2015-09-02)
带声源方向跟踪功能的麦克风阵列语音增强装置及其方法(专利号:zl 2012 1 0320004.9)(2013-11-13)