
王其聪 副教授

浙江大学 博士(2007)









1. linux教程, 2013至今

2. mysql数据库设计, 2015年至今


1. 中国人工智能学会青工委委员


1. 2020届硕士生:王旭(华为杭州),陈明林(网易游戏)

2. 往届硕士生:刘勇(阿里巴巴),吴玉祥(美团),龚丁禧(星网锐捷),曹长荣(网龙游戏),甄庆凯(北航博士),蒋文笑(江西移动),王旻(公务员),李静(网宿科技)


1. international joint conference on robotics and artificial intelligence (jcrai 2018). best student paper award


[1] mengxi jiang, zhuliang yu, yan zhang, qicong wang, cuihua li, yunqi lei, reweighted sparse representation with residual compensation for 3d human pose estimation from a single rgb image, neurocomputing, 358, 2019: 332-343.(sci)

[2] qicong wang*, xiaoqiang chen, lin zhang, jin li, chong zhao, man qi, fuzzy interacting multiple model h infinity particle filter algorithm based on current statistical model, international journal of fuzzy systems, 21(6), 2019: 1894-1905. (sci)

[3] baobing zhang, zhengwen huang, b. h. rahi, qicong wang, maozhen li, online semi-supervised multi-person tracking with gaussian process regression, international joint conference on robotics and artificial intelligence (jcrai 2018). best student paper award

[4] qicong wang*, dingxi gong, man qi, yehu shen, yunqi lei, temporal sparse feature auto-combination deep network for video action recognition, concurrency and computation: practice and experience, 30(23), 2018: e4487. (sci)

[5] qicong wang, jinhao zhao, dingxi gong, yehu shen, maozhen li, yunqi lei, parallelizing convolutional neural networks for action event recognition in surveillance videos, international journal of parallel programming, 45(4), 2017 : 734-759. (sci)

[6] qicong wang, binbin wang, xinjie hao, lisheng chen, jingmin cui, rongrong ji, yunqi lei, face recognition by decision fusion of two-dimensional linear discriminant analysis and local binary pattern, frontiers of computer science, 10(6), 2016: 1118-1129 . (sci)

[7] qicong wang, yuxiang wu, yehu shen, yong liu, and yunqi lei, supervised sparse manifold regression for head pose estimation in 3d space, signal processing, 112, 2015: 34-42. (sci)

[8] yong liu, qicong wang*, yi jiang, yunqi lei, supervised locality discriminant manifold learning for head pose estimation,knowledge-based systems, 66, 2014: 126-135. (sci)

[9] qicong wang, dingxi gong, shuang wang, and yunqi lei, range clusters based time-of-flight 3d imaging obstacle detection in manifold space,optics express, 22(8), 2014: 8880-8892. (sci)

[10] yehu shen, and qicong wang, sky region detection in a single image for autonomous ground robot navigation, international journal of advanced robotic systems, 2013: 1-13. (sci)


1. 单目视觉包装箱体积测量方法, 2020

2. 多镜头立体视觉视差的计算方法, 2019

3. 一种用于车型识别的特征选取方法, 2018


1. 基于深度语义属性优化表达的长视频行为识别研究,科创委基础研究

2. 3d形变体的保测变换与稀疏流形嵌入识别方法研究,国基面上

3. 基于李群流形的三维成像刚性目标的运动估计方法研究,国基青年

4. 事件发现之视觉理解云的计算技术及实用产品,省高校产学合作重大

5. 视频(图片)车辆品牌(号牌)识别系统,企业

6. 海峡云计算与大数据应用研究中心技术服务,企业

7. 基于虚拟现实的课堂教学系统,企业

8. 噪声在线监测系统,企业

9. 移动erp系统关键技术研究与应用平台,企业
