现为厦门大学信息学院计算机系助理教授,特聘副研究员,人工智能研究院双聘导师。2007年、2009年于国防科学技术大学计算机学院计算机科学与技术学科(教育部评估a )获得学士和硕士学位。2015年博士毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学,2015年至2020年担任国防科学技术大学计算机学院(教育部评估a )助理研究员,原天河超级计算机团队成员,参与多项国家重大科研任务研发。在neurips (spotlight), cvpr, mm, infocom, cikm, www, tomm, ton, tkdd, computer networks, icassp, nossdav, ccgrid, europar, netgames, mmve等国际知名会议、期刊上公开发表了多篇学术论文,担任多个期刊、会议组委会委员及审稿人。目前主要从事三维视觉(数字人,游戏)及强化学习(多智能体)等相关领域的研究。
[neurips’22] siqi shen, mengwei qiu, jun liu, weiquan liu, yongquan fu*, xinwang liu, cheng wang, resq: a residual q function-based approach for multi-agent reinforcement learning value factorization, ccf a, spotlight, 厦大信息学院首篇neurips亮点论文
[cvpr’23] ming yan, xin wang, yudi dai, siqi shen*, chenglu wen, lan xu, yuexin ma, cheng wang, cimi4d: a large multimodal climbing motion dataset under human-scene interactions, ccf a
[cvpr’23] yudi dai, yitai lin, xiping lin, chenglu wen*, lan xu, hongwei yi, siqi shen, yuexin ma, cheng wang, sloper4d: a scene-aware dataset for global 4d human pose estimation in urban environments, ccf a
[cvpr’23] wen li, shangshu yu, cheng wang, guosheng hu, siqi shen, chenglu wen, sgloc: scene geometry encoding for outdoor lidar localization, ccf a
[ton’23] yongquan fu, lun an, siqi shen, kai chen, pere barlet-ros, a one-pass clustering based sketch method for network monitoring, ieee/acm transactions on networking (ton), ccf a
[aaai’23] zheng wang, xiaoliang fan*, jianzhong qi, haibing jin, peizhen yang, siqi shen, cheng wang, fedgs: federated graph-based sampling with arbitrary client availability, ccf a,oral
[cvpr’22] yudi dai, yitai lin, chenglu wen, siqi shen, lan xu, jingyi yu, yuexin ma, cheng wang, hsc4d: human-centered 4d scene capture in large-scale indoor-outdoor space using wearable imus and lidar, ccf a
[cvpr’22] jialian li jingyi zhang, zhiyong wang, siqi shen, chenglu wen, yuexin ma, lan xu, jingyi yu, cheng wang, lidarcap: long-range marker-less 3d human motion capture with lidar point clouds, ccf a
[icassp’22] siqi shen, jun liu, mengwei qiu, weiquan liu, cheng wang*, yongquan fu*, qinglin wang, peng qiao, qrelation: an agent relation-based approach for multi-agent reinforcement learning value function factorization, ccf b
[infocom’21] yongquan fu, lun an, kai chen, pere barlet-ros, siqi shen*, jellyfish: locality-sensitive subflow sketching, ccf a
[icassp’21] siqi shen, yongquan fu*, huayou su, hengyue pan, peng qiao, yong dou, cheng wang*, graphcomm: a graph neural network based method for multi-agent reinforcement learning, ccf b