唐璐,博士,现为厦门大学信息学院网络空间安全系助理教授。2020年毕业于香港中文大学计算机科学与工程系,获得博士学位。曾参与网络测量、网络异常检测、高速数据流处理算法、分布式流处理系统等多个方向的科研项目,在ieee/acm transactions on networking、ieee infocom、acm sigcomm等网络领域顶级会议和期刊上公开发表了多篇学术论文。目前主要从事网络测量、异常检测和分布式系统等相关领域的研究。
ÿ ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing (tdsc)
ÿ ieee transactions on communications (tcom)
ÿ china communications
ÿ ieee communications letters
1. lu tang, qun huang, and patrick p. c. lee. "a fast and compact invertible sketch for network-wide heavy flow detection." ieee/acm transactions on networking (ton), 28(5), pp. 2350-2363, october 2020.
2. lu tang, qun huang, and patrick p. c. lee. "spreadsketch: toward invertible and network-wide detection of superspreaders." proceedings of ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2020), toronto, canada, july 2020. (ar: 268/1354 = 19.8%)
3. lu tang, qun huang, and patrick p. c. lee. "mv-sketch: a fast and compact invertible sketch for heavy flow detection in network data streams." proceedings of ieee international conference on computer communications (infocom 2019), paris, france, april-may 2019. (ar: 288/1464 = 19.7%)
4. qun huang, xin jin, patrick p. c. lee, runhui li, lu tang, yi-chao chen, and gong zhang. "sketchvisor: robust network measurement for software packet processing." proceedings of the acm sigcomm 2017 conference (sigcomm 2017), los angeles, ca, usa, august 2017. (ar: 36/250 = 14.4%)
5. wei zheng, lu tang, rizos sakellariou. "a priority-based scheduling heuristic to maximize parallelism of ready tasks for dag applications." proceedings of the ieee/acm international symposium on cluster, cloud and grid computing (ccgrid 2015), shenzhen, china, may 2015. (ar: 69/268 = 25.7%)