
杨和林 副教授 博士生导师

南洋理工大学 博士(2020)






杨和林,博士,2020年3月获得南洋理工大学(nanyang technological university)电气与电子工程学院博士学位。2020年8月到2021年12月在南洋理工大学从事博士后工作。ieee senior member、中国通信学会会员。福建省引进高层次人才,厦门市引进高层次人才。主持国家自然科学面上基金、国家自然科学青年基金、厦门市青年创新基金等科研项目。在权威的期刊和学术会议上发表论文60余篇,部分论文获得esi高被引论文top 1%、热点论文0.1%和最佳论文奖。担任ieee wcnc 2021学术会议publication chair、globecom workshop session chair、ieee icc等多个ieee学术会议技术程序委员会委员。担任《iet communications》、《physical communication》等国际期刊编委。现任厦门大学信息学院副教授,博士生和硕士生导师。




1. 无人机空地无线网络中组合式攻击下的高可靠安全通信技术,国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持

2. 空中智能反射面辅助通信的波束赋形与资源弹性按需管控技术研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持

3. 服务质量驱动下无人机辅助通信技术研究,厦门市青年创新基金,主持

4. 基于机器学习的空中智能反射面辅助通信技术研究,中央高校基本科研项目,主持

5. 5g/6g网络中基于人工智能的通信技术研究,厦门大学启动经费,主持

6. 无人机辅助通信网络中资源管控技术研究,厦门大学双一流科研项目,主持


1. 2023厦门市引进高层次人才

2. 2022福建省引进高层次人才

3. 2021厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才

4. 2021和2022 前2%拔尖科学研究者榜单(released by stanford university)

5. 2021 ieee globecom workshops best paper award

6. 2021 ieee cpscom best paper award

7. 2021《计算机工程》学报优秀编委

8. 2020国家优秀自费留学生奖学金

9. 2016 新加坡博士全额奖学金


1. helin yang, kwok-yan lam, liang xiao, zehui xiong, hao hu, dusit niyato, and h. vincent poor, “lead federated neuromorphic learning for wireless edge artificial intelligence,” nature communications, vol. 13, pp. 4269, july 2022.

2. helin yang; sheng zhang; arokiaswami alphones; chen chen; kwok-yan lam; zehui xiong; liang xiao; yi zhang,"an advanced integrated visible light communication and localization system," ieee transactions on communications, doi: 10.1109/tcomm.2023.3309823, 2023.

3. yilin xiao; liang xiao; kunpeng wan; helin yang; yi zhang; yi wu; yanyong zhang "reinforcement learning based energy-efficient collaborative inference for mobile edge computing," ieee transactions on communications, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 864-876, feb. 2023,

4. huabing lu; xianzhong xie; zhaoyuan shi; hongjiang lei; helin yang; jun cai "advanced noma assisted semi-grant-free transmission schemes for randomly distributed users," ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4638-4653, july 2023.

5. xiaoyu ou; xianzhong xie; huabing lu; helin yang, "resource allocation in mu-miso rate-splitting multiple access with sic errors for urllc services," in ieee transactions on communications, vol. 71, no. 1, pp. 229-243, jan. 2023.

6. zhaoyuan shi; xianzhong xie; huabing lu; helin yang; zehui xiong; jun cai; zhiguo ding, "drl-based multidimensional resource management in swipt-noma-enabled mec," in ieee transactions on wireless communications, doi: 10.1109/twc.2023.3306880.

7. helin yang, jun zhao, kwok-yan lam, zehui xiong, qingqing wu, and liang xiao, “distributed deep reinforcement learning-based spectrum and power allocation for heterogeneous networks,” ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 6935-6948, sept. 2022.

8. helin yang, jun zhao, zehui xiong*, kwok-yan lam, sumei sun, and liang xiao, “privacy-preserving federated learning for uav-enabled networks: learning-based joint scheduling and resource management,” ieee journal on selected areas in communications. vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 3144-3159, oct. 2021.

9. helin yang, zehui xiong, jun zhao*, dusit niyato, chau yuen, and ruilong deng, “deep reinforcement learning based massive access management for ultra-reliable low-latency communications,” ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 2977-2990, may 2021.

10. helin yang, zehui xiong*, jun zhao, dusit niyato, qingqing wu, h. vincent poor, and massimo tornatore, “intelligent reflecting surface assisted anti-jamming communications: a fast reinforcement learning approach,” ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 1963-1974, mar. 2021.

11. helin yang, zehui xiong, jun zhao*, dusit niyato, qingqing wu, and liang xiao, “deep reinforcement learning-based intelligent reflecting surface for secure wireless communications,” ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 375-388, jan. 2021. esi高被引论文 top 1%和热点论文top0.1 %

12. helin yang, wen-de. zhong, chen chen*, arokiaswami alphones, pengfei du, sheng zhang, and xianzhong xie, “coordinated resource allocation-based integrated visible light communication and positioning systems for indoor iot.” ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 4671-4684, jul. 2020.

13. helin yang, arokiaswami alphones, wen-de. zhong, chen chen*, and xianzhong xie, “learning-based energy-efficient resource management by heterogeneous rf/vlc for ultra-reliable low-latency industrial iot networks,” ieee transactions on industrial informatics, vol. 16, no. 8, pp. 5565-5576, aug. 2020.

14. helin yang, arokiaswami alphones, zehui xiong*, dusit niyato, jun zhao, and kaishun wu, “artificial intelligence-enabled intelligent 6g networks”, ieee network, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 272-280, nov. 2020. esi高被引论文 top 1%

15. helin yang, wen-de. zhong, chen chen, and arokiaswami alphones, “integration of visible light communication and positioning within 5g networks for internet of things”, ieee network, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 134-140, sept. 2020.

16. helin yang, wen-de. zhong, chen chen*, and arokiaswami alphones, “qos-driven optimized design based integrated visible light communication and positioning for indoor iot networks,” ieee internet of things journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 269-283, jan. 2020.

17. helin yang*, wen-de. zhong, chen chen, and xianzhong xie, “deep reinforcement learning based energy-efficient resource management for social and cognitive internet of things,” ieee internet of things journal, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 5677-5689, jun. 2020.

18. helin yang and xianzhong xie*, “energy-efficient joint scheduling and resource management for uav-enabled multicell networks,” ieee systems journal, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 363-374, mar. 2020.

19. helin yang, xianzhong xie*, and michel kadoch, “intelligent resource management based on reinforcement learning for ultra-reliable and low-latency iov communication networks,” ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 4157-4169, may 2019.

20. helin yang, chen chen*, wen-de. zhong, and arokiaswami alphones, “joint precoder and equalizer design for multi-user multi-cell mimo vlc systems,” ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 11354-11364, dec. 2018.

21. helin yang, pengfei du*, wen-de. zhong, chen chen, arokiaswami alphones, and sheng zhang, “reinforcement learning based intelligent resource allocation for integrated vlcp systems,” ieee wireless communication letters, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1204-1207, aug. 2019.


1. ziling shao; helin yang; liang xiao; wei su; and zehui xiong, "deep reinforcement learning-based resource management for uav-assisted mobile edge computing against jamming", in proc. ieee global communications conference (globecom), kuala lumpur, malaysia, december 2023.

2. can wang; helin yang; liang xiao; huabing lu; and zehui xiong, "joint trajectory optimization and power control for cognitive uav-assisted secure communications", in proc. ieee global communications conference (globecom), kuala lumpur, malaysia, december 2023.

3. jingchen xu; yifan chen; zhiping lin; yousong du; helin yang; liang xiao, "reliable communications for hypersonic vehicles: a reinforcement learning approach", in proc. ieee global communications conference (globecom), kuala lumpur, malaysia, dec. 2023.

4. helin yang, kwok-yan lam, jiangtian nie, jun zhao, sahil garg, liang xiao, zehui xiong, and mohsen guizani, “3d beamforming based on deep learning for secure communication in 5g and beyond wireless networks,” ieee global communications conference workshops (gc wkshps), 2021, pp. 1–6. (best paper award)

5. wen liu, maochan liang, jiangtian nie, xianjun deng, zehui xiong, jiawen kang, helin, yang, yang, zhang ,intelligent data-driven vessel trajectory prediction in maritimetransportation cyber-physical system, 2021 ieee intern ational conference on cyber, physical and social computing, australia, dec. 2021. (best paper award).

6. helin yang, yang zhao, zehui xiong, jun zhao, dusit niyato, kwok-yan lam, and qingqing wu, “deep reinforcement learning based intelligent reflecting surface for secure wireless communications” ieee global communications conference (globecom), taipei, taiwan, dec. 2020, pp. 1–6.

7. helin yang, zehui xiong, jun zhao, dusit niyato, qingqing wu, massimo tornatore, and stefano secci, “intelligent reflecting surface assisted anti-jamming communications based on reinforcement learning” ieee global communications conference (globecom), taipei, taiwan, dec. 2020, pp. 1–6.

8. helin yang, chen chen, wen-de zhong, and arokiaswami alphones, “qos-driven optimized design in a new integrated visible light communication and positioning system,” ieee international conference on communications (icc), pp. 1-6, dublin, ireland, jun. 2020.

9. helin yang, chen chen, wen-de zhong, and arokiaswami alphones, “resource allocation for multi-user integrated visible light communication and positioning systems,” ieee international conference on communications (icc), pp. 1–6, shanghai, china, may 2019.


1. liang xiao, helin yang, weihua zhuang, minghui min, “reinforcement learning for maritime communications”, springer, 2023, isbn: 978-3-031-32137-5.

2. xianzhong xie and helin yang. “chapter 2: a survey on joint routing and dynamic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks,” in “cognitive networks: applications and deployments”, 2014, isbn: 9780429161285.


无线通信网络 研究生 秋季学期

无线通信原理 本科生 春季学期

水下无线网络 研究生 春季学期

面向对象程序设计 本科生 春季学期


杨和林; 谢显中; 霍龙 ; 多用户ofdma中继系统中非完美csi下的鲁棒博弈功率控制研究, 2018-12-28, 中国, zl201510597901.8

杨和林; 刘帅; 肖亮; 林志平; 张翼 ; 一种基于强化学习的无人机边缘计算抗干扰通信方法, 2023-1-10, 中国, zl202310030684.9

肖亮; 牛国航; 吕泽芳; 肖奕霖; 杨和林 杨 ; 一种面向无线通信安全的安全探索强化学习方法, 2022-08-22, 中国, zl202211007434.5

肖亮; 林志平; 颜晓豪; 唐余亮; 杨和林 杨 ; 邱际光 ; 一种基于强化学习的地图辅助车联网抗干扰通信方法, 2022-05-05, 中国, zl202210479398.6

杨和林,王灿,肖亮,一种基于协作干扰与飞行位置联合优化的无人机空地高可靠安全通信方法, 2023101863708


1.《iet communications》sci期刊编委

2.《physical communication》sci期刊编委

3.《computer communications》sci期刊技术委员


5.publicity co-chair:ieee wireless communications & networking conference (wcnc), 2021,workshop on distributed machine learning for future communications and networking

6.workshop co-chairs: 2023 international conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing workshop on intelligent uavs for next-generation networks

7. session chair, ieee global communications conference (globecom) workshop - futurenetcomm

8. ieee international conference on computer communications (inforcom)、ieee international conference on communications (icc)、ieee global communications conference (globecom) 、ieee vehicular technology conference(vtc)等tmc.
