
吕江滨 副教授




电子邮件:ljb (at) xmu.edu.cn



本科毕业于浙江大学竺可桢荣誉学院,博士阶段获新加坡国立大学ngs奖学金,博士后留校加入prof. zhang rui (ieee fellow) 课题组,参与一项新加坡国防创新研究项目(dirp)的软硬件平台开发;现为厦门大学信息学院副教授,获认定福建省、厦门市高层次人才(b类),2020-2022连续3年入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(斯坦福大学发布)。研究聚焦“智能立体通信网络”,包括无人机通信、智能反射面、无线电地图等。在本领域顶级期刊与会议上以第一/通讯作者发表论文二十余篇,一作获2020 ieee通信学会heinrich hertz唯一最佳通信快报奖(commlet主编提名,遴选比例1/2802,授予过去三年中ieee通信快报类期刊最具影响力的论文),以及新加坡-日本smartcom最佳论文奖。目前谷歌学术引用量超过2300次,单篇最高引用量超过800次,三篇论文入选esi高被引论文(计算机科学全球引用量前1%的sci论文); 一篇论文入选ieee通信学会智能反射面专题best readings。申请国家发明专利5项,已授权3项。主持国家青年基金、福建省青年/面上基金、厦门大学校长基金(优青培育)。担任2021 ieee/cic中国国际通信大会(iccc)invited track共同主席,担任中国自动化学会工业物联网技术与应用专委会委员,担任本领域顶级期刊审稿人以及主要国际会议的技术委员会委员。指导学生获得厦门大学信息学院优秀本科毕业论文、优秀硕士毕业论文









2020-2022:入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单 (world's top 2% scientists) , 斯坦福大学发布


2020: ieee comsoc heinrich hertz award for best communications letter & wireless communications letter



2014:最佳论文奖, singapore-japan int. workshop on smart wireless communications (smartcom 2014)




[r1] 无人机通信:

包括无人机作为空中通信平台去辅助地面通信(uav-aided terrestrial communication),以及无人机作为空中用户的网联无人机通信 (network-connected uav communication)。感兴趣者请参阅本人最新论文以及本领域综述论文:“accessing from the sky: a tutorial on uav communications for 5g and beyond”,

[r2] 智能反射面(intelligent reflecting surface, irs):

传统无线通信的信道受环境被动影响,通常随机而不可控。智能反射面通过廉价、小型、密集、可控的反射面,主动控制环境中无线电波的传播,进而强化信号、降低干扰。感兴趣者请参阅本人最新论文以及本领域综述论文:“towards smart and reconfigurable environment: intelligent reflecting surface aided wireless network”,

[r3] 无线电地图:


[r4] 机器学习在通信网络中的应用:



[f4] 基于蜂窝系统的无人机空中物联网,厦门大学校长基金(20720190008),35万人民币,2019.1-2021.12,主持

[f3] 无人机接入蜂窝网络的三维空间覆盖与优化,福建省自然科学基金青年创新项目(2019j05002),4万人民币,2019.7-2022.6,主持

[f2] 移动网络接入的无人机通信系统建模与干扰管理,国家自然科学基金青年项目(61801408),25万人民币,2019.1-2021.12,主持

[f1] mobile-backhaul enhanced device-to-device (d2d) networking for tactical communications, defense innovative research program (dirp), singapore, 2015.6-2017.9, participated, 684,000 sgd.












[j17] jiangbin lyu, xu chen and liqun fu, “spatial deep learning for site-specific movement optimization of aerial base stations,” submitted for possible journal publication.

[j16] yifan zhang (学生), jiangbin lyu* (通讯作者), and liqun fu, "energy-efficient trajectory design for uav-aided maritime data collection in wind", in ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 21, no. 12, pp. 10871-10886, dec. 2022. (sci期刊,中科院一区,信息学院a类)

[j15] 吕江滨,张一帆,邱瑾,付立群. 无人机赋能临海通信系统:机遇与挑战[j]. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版,南强青年学者专栏特邀论文), 2022, 61(2): 149-162.

[j14] yifan zhang (学生), jiangbin lyu* (通讯作者), and liqun fu, "energy-efficient trajectory design for uav-aided maritime data collection in wind", to appear in ieee transactions on wireless communications. (sci期刊,中科院一区,信息学院a类)

[j13] hao xie, dingcheng yang, lin xiao and jiangbin lyu, "connectivity-aware 3d uav path design with deep reinforcement learning," in ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 13022-13034, dec. 2021. (sci期刊,二区)

[j12] jiangbin lyu, dan yu and liqun fu, "analysis and optimization for large-scale lora networks: throughput fairness and scalability", in ieee internet of things journal, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 9574-9590, jun. 2022. (sci期刊,中科院一区)

[j11] jiangbin lyu* and rui zhang, "hybrid active/passive wireless network aided by intelligent reflecting surface: system modeling and performance analysis", in ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 20, no. 11, pp. 7196-7212, nov. 2021. (sci期刊,中科院一区,信息学院a类,ieee comsoc best readings in reconfigurable intelligent surfaces)

[j10] jiangbin lyu* and rui zhang, "spatial throughput characterization for intelligent reflecting surface aided multiuser system", in ieee wireless communications letters, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 834-838, jun. 2020. (sci期刊,二区)

[j9] jiangbin lyu* and rui zhang, "network-connected uav: 3d system modeling and coverage performance analysis," in ieee internet of things journal, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 7048-7060, aug. 2019. (sci期刊,中科院一区)

[j8] suzhi bi, jiangbin lyu* and rui zhang, “engineering radio map for wireless resource management”, in ieee wireless communications, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 133-141, apr. 2019. (sci期刊,中科院一区)

[j7] yong zeng, jiangbin lyu and rui zhang, “cellular-connected uav: potentials, challenges and promising technologies”, in ieee wireless communications, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 120-127, feb. 2019. (sci期刊,中科院一区,esi高被引论文,谷歌学术引用531)

[j6] jiangbin lyu*, yong zeng and rui zhang, “uav-aided offloading for cellular hotspot,” in ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 3988-4001, jun. 2018. (sci期刊,中科院一区,信息学院a类,esi高被引论文,谷歌学术引用298)

[j5] jiangbin lyu*, yong zeng, rui zhang and teng joon lim, “placement optimization of uav-mounted mobile base stations,” in ieee communications letters, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 604-607, mar. 2017. (sci期刊,esi高被引论文,ieee comsoc heinrich hertz award,谷歌学术引用810)

[j4] jiangbin lyu, yong zeng and rui zhang, “cyclical multiple access in uav-aided communications: a throughput-delay tradeoff,” in ieee wireless communications letters, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 600-603, dec. 2016. (sci期刊,二区,谷歌学术引用239)

[j3] jiangbin lyu*, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, “efficient and scalable distributed autonomous spatial aloha networks via local leader election”, in ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 9954-9967, dec. 2016. (sci期刊,二区)

[j2] jiangbin lyu*, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, “a stackelberg game model for overlay d2d transmission with heterogeneous rate requirements,” in ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 65, no. 10, pp. 8461-8475, oct. 2016. (sci期刊,二区)

[j1] jiangbin lyu, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, “aloha games with spatial reuse”, in ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 3932-3941, aug. 2013. (sci期刊,中科院一区,信息学院a类)


[c9] xintong chen(陈新潼), jiangbin lyu* and liqun fu, "irs-aided sectorized base station design and 3d coverage performance analysis", in proc. ieee/acm international symposium on quality of service (iwqos), 2023, orlando, usa. (ccf-b类会议)

[c8] bifeng ling(凌碧烽), jiangbin lyu* and liqun fu, "placement optimization and power control in intelligent reflecting surface aided multiuser system", in proc. ieee globecom, 2021, madrid.

[c7] yifan zhang(张一帆), jiangbin lyu*, liqun fu, "energy-efficient cyclical trajectory design for uav-aided maritime data collection in wind", in proc. ieee globecom, 2020, taiwan.

[c6] jin qiu(邱瑾), jiangbin lyu* and liqun fu, "placement optimization of aerial base stations with deep reinforcement learning", in proc. ieee int. conf. communications (icc), 2020, dublin. (ieee comsoc student travel grant)

[c5] jiangbin lyu, dan yu(余丹) and liqun fu, "achieving max-min throughput in lora networks", in proc. int. conf. computing, networking and communications (icnc), 2020, hawaii.

[c4] jiangbin lyu*, yong zeng and rui zhang, "spectrum sharing and cyclical multiple access in uav-aided cellular offloading", in proc. ieee globecom, 2017, singapore.

[c3] jiangbin lyu*, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, "multi-leader stackelberg games in multi-channel spatial aloha networks", in proc. ieee vehicular technology conf. (vtc2015-spring), 2015, glasgow.

[c2] jiangbin lyu*, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, "efficient and scalable distributed autonomous spatial aloha networks via local leader election", in singapore-japan int. workshop on smart wireless communications (smartcom), 2014, singapore. (最佳论文奖)

[c1] jiangbin lyu*, yong huat chew and wai-choong wong, "an autonomous pareto optimality achieving algorithm beyond aloha games with spatial reuse", in proc. ieee personal indoor and mobile radio communications (pimrc), 2013, london.


[p5] 陈旭(学生),吕江滨,付立群,岳蕾, 一种多无人机空中基站具体环境追踪覆盖方法, 中国专利,申请日期2022.2.3, 申请号202310075203.6.

[p4] 吕江滨,陈新潼,张一帆,付立群,岳蕾, 一种基于智能反射面的分区基站设计与立体覆盖方法, 中国专利,申请日期2022.8.9, 申请号202210948626.x.

[p3] 李徐竹(学生),吕江滨,付立群,岳蕾, 一种实现lora网络吞吐量最大化和公平性的方法,中国专利,申请日期2020.8.26,授权日期--,申请号202010871867.x.

[p2] 余丹(学生),吕江滨,付立群,岳蕾, 基于条件概率实现lora网关下行特定占空比的方法,中国专利,申请日期2019.7.23,授权日期2020.8.6,专利号201910665595.5.

[p1] 余丹(学生),吕江滨,付立群,岳蕾, 一种实现lora网络最优吞吐量公平性的方法,中国专利,申请日期2019.6.24,授权日期2020.4.20,专利号201910547394.5.



fundamentals of network technology





会议主席:invited track co-chair, ieee/cic international conference on communications in china (iccc), 2021

国际期刊审稿人:ieee transactions on wireless communications, ieee transactions on communications, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, ieee transactions on mobile computing, ieee internet of things journal, ieee transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, ieee transactions on industrial informatics, ieee journal on selected areas in communications – airborne networks, ieee transactions on green communications and networking, ieee communications magazine, ieee wireless communications magazine, ieee communications letters, ieee wireless communications letters

国际会议技术委员会委员:ieee globecom 2023, ieee icc 2023, ieee globecom 2022, ieee globecom 2021, ieee icc 2020 (workshop on uav communications), ieee globecom 2019, ieee icc 2018 (workshop on uav communications), 1st ieee 5g word forum (5g-wf 2018), ieee globecom 2017, ieee int. conf. on communication systems (ieee iccs 2016), int. conf. wireless communications and signal processing (wcsp 2016), ieee vts asia pacific wireless communications symposium (apwcs 2016)
